Our Services
As a lot of people looking at this website will know the loss adjusting fraternity is divided into two separate types of business.
Firstly there are the large companies often part of a multi national occasionally owned by venture capitalists which have large boards of directors, big cars, big offices and work principally for the major insurance companies.
Joking apart they provide a good and satisfactory service for the mass handling of domestic claims.
Then there are the smaller loss adjuster specialist companies like Decani Ltd.
We provide a bespoke service especially aimed at the discerning insurance and utility companies. Claims management is costed, controlled and agreed in advance and the quality of the product is consistently good.
We are a happy to undertake commercial building and machinery claims, but specialise in the assessment of business interruption claims against utility companies.
To do this work you need financial competance, a knowledge of statistics and a bizarre love of spreadsheets !
Want to know more - just get in contact with us.